Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pinterest's Mobile App Gets Path-Like Animations, Personalization Options Via New Pin Suggestions

photo 2Say what you want about Path and their previous transgressions, but it’s great to see other mobile applications borrowing the interface and animations Path popularized?through its stellar design.?Tumblr was one of the first big name apps to adopt Path-like pop-out animations?(round circles that appear when tapping to create a new post), and now, Pinterest is doing the same in an effort to make repinning, favoriting, and sharing pins easier for users. In an update to its iOS application, Pinterest has introduced a new interface design where users can press and hold on a pin in their feed, in order to make rounded action buttons appear. However, unlike on Path or Tumblr, Pinterest’s buttons don’t stay visible after you lift your finger – instead you have to slide your finger from where you originally pressed the pin, over to the button you want to use. Unfortunately, these new animations only show up on items others have pinned, that you now want to engage with in some way. Meanwhile, the process for adding a pin of your own is relatively unchanged – you push the bottom center button and choose what you want to pin from a standard menu offering options like “website,” “camera,” “clipboard” or just “cancel.” It’s almost as if Pinterest is experimenting with the idea of new interactions here, rather than rolling out a major interface upgrade all at once. By forcing users to press and hold, too, the new animations arrive as optional way of interacting with pins. However, for those mainstream users who are slow to change their ways (i.e., the majority of Pinterest’s user base), they can still pin and share and like from more obvious action buttons on an individual pin’s page itself. Pinterest’s mobile applications have seen other slow but steady improvements like this over the course of the year, with updates earlier this month which brought pin sharing to iPad and pin search, for example, plus previous updates which finally solved the problem of being able to pin websites, and the addition of things like enhanced pins with pricing info and availability (oh yes!), upgrades to group pin boards, push notifications, and new discovery mechanisms. Pinterest Moves Toward A Business Model Pinterest doesn’t make a lot of buzz about its mobile app updates, generally speaking, but it does when it matters. For instance, it’s worth noting that?Pinterest’s new pin suggestion feature?is launching on


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